Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Fossil fuels are generally a mixtures of Carbon based compounds formed by the natural resources such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms that lived up to 300 million years ago. These fuels contain high percentage of carbon and hydrocarbons. When these compounds undergo a combustion process will produce carbon-di-oxide and water. This CO2, leads to the greatest concern, with Global Warming.

Every day we are burning large amounts of fuel like oil, coal and natural gases. These important sources of energy used to power the cars, and provide electricity. But burning these fossil fuels also produces harmful greenhouse gas emissions.

Burning fuel in our cars, factories and power plants has push out billions of tones of microscopic particles and greenhouse gases into our atmosphere, fundamentally changing its composition. Switching from fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy sources is vital to protect our atmosphere and climate.

Fossil fuels are composed almost entirely of carbon, and in the case of oil also composed of a lot of toxic materials when it is burned, fumes are driven out and when we inhaled these fumes will cause major problems like smog, respiratory problems, acid rain etc and the way they cause global warming is that when you burn coal for electricity or oil in the form of gasoline and diesel fuel for transportation energy, they release carbon back into the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide, which is said to be global warming gas, greenhouse gas because the CO2 and other kinds of global warming gases from these products act like a blanket over the earth's atmosphere and they trap more heat in the atmosphere. Of course we want some heat to be trapped in the atmosphere to keep us warm and to be able to inhabit the planet, but if we trap too much heat then things happen like melting of the polar ice caps, which results in sea level rise, the oceans become warmer, and things like hurricanes, which are designed to outlet warmth from the ocean become more intense and severe. This will undoubtedly leads to the result of global warming. So when we burn fossil fuels into the atmosphere that act like a blanket and cause increasing global temperatures.

Like that, the greenhouse gases collect in the atmosphere create a obstruction which prevents the earth’s excess heat from escaping. As the obstruction grows, the earth’s temperature increases. This will magnifying the natural greenhouse effect and the result is climate change. If we continue burning fossil fuels throughout, we will have exhausted the carbon budget in merely 20 years, and global warming will go well beyond two degrees.

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